Saturday, July 19, 2008

3 Things

I was tagged by Marissa, and I really like doing these things.

3 Joys
Family and friends

3 Fears
The first day of school
Creatures (big bugs, rodents, etc.)

3 Goals
Finish scrapbooking our wedding album
Finish writing the primary program
Read more

3 Current Obsessions/Collections
Blogging--honestly, I check blogs at least once a day sometimes more.
Twilight series--I can't wait for the fourth book to come out in August and the movie in December :)
Key chains--I've collected key chains since I was a little kid. Every new place I go I get one, and my parents are really good about getting me one when they go on trips, too.

3 Random Surprises about Me
*I am obsessed with sunscreen. I pretty much wear it anytime I go out in the sun. I may be pasty white, but I better not get melanoma.
*I always squeeze the toothpaste tube from the bottom. It drives me crazy when I go to use a tube that has been squished from the middle.
*This one is probably not really a surprise, but I love juvenile/children's literature. Noel has to remind (okay...sometimes force me) to read "big kid" books.

I love reading these about other people. So anyone who wants to join the fun, feel free.


Marissa said...

As if you don't know this already, but I am obsessed with blogging too!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amber I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like crazy!!!!!!!!! Especially around this time of the year because I have no one to talk about Twilight with!!!!! No one to get excited with about Breaking Dawn, or share all my crazy stalkerness about the movie with! By the way have you checked out all the stuff about the movie? It looks really good to me! Anyways, I love your pictures, you look adorable as a little pregnant wife! I'm excited for turbo to be born! And I love the way you did his room, it looks really cute. Anyways I love you and miss you, thinking of you always!
Love Maren